Friday, January 23, 2009

Blog Update

So in this project I started out looking at websites trying to get ideas for logos. Then as a group we all got togeather and decided wee wanted a retro looking theme and to try to keep it contempary. So by the next class we all brought in different website pictures we found so we could find a good theme approch to take. After we all found stuff we liked we posted it on or blogs then Jered and I were going to come up with some logo designs by next class. So after class I went into the lab with Jered and we started to work and had some of the same thoughts. In class as a group we decided we wanted a logo with a shoe and a plant, leafs with needles, and maybe a manikin with roots for legs.
When the next class rolled around I had some ideas but it didnt compare to what Jered brought to the table. So thats when he became responisable for the future logos in the project. Then the other members worked on background ideas painting branches out and what not. So then after another class went by I was to go home and create lables and find good website layouts. I searched as many brand name things as I could like Burton, Gucci, Quicksilver, Levis, New York Fashion Shows, Dior, ect. (I had over 60 sites and nerrowed the main ones down and posted it on my blog.) Then in one of the class periods we had a little simple website idea but it wasnt good enough so thats when I became responsible for the new website. So I took our main design and layed it in the background and knew I wanted to make some sort of scrolling tabs for products and models. My main infulances for this was looking at this site and listening to over 30 cds in the Brodway lab while working long hours back to back.
I think some of the stuff that didnt work well was the timeing I had to work on this project most people sleep around 1am and thats when I am in the lab designing my stuff. I wanted more communication perhaps in IM form other than e-mail. But in a result the stuff I have to show for came out. So I think that worked out ok. Also my comute to PSU in general was annoying. I had to come back on the weekends and work on my stuff then drive back to Canby and work. But thats all fixed now.
So for a summery I made:
-rough sketches
-Logo designs
-Typed out all the lables and name tags
-Designed our webpage with our tree branch background
-Helped tape it all down on the black board

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